
RVTD Budget Committee on May 21, 2024

NOTICE OF RVTD BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Rogue Valley Transportation District, Jackson County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, will be held at 3200 Crater Lake Avenue, Medford, Oregon.  The meeting will take place in […]

Go By Bike Week: May 13-19

Go By Bike Week (May 13-19, 2024) celebrates the unique power of the bicycle and the many reasons to ride. Ride your bike. Win Prizes! It’s Easy. Pledge to replace at least one car trip with a bike trip during the Challenge for a chance to win one of several $10 Dutch Bros. gift cards. Play Bike […]

April 1st Service Changes to Routes 61, 21, and 27

RVTD is excited to announce upcoming service changes to Routes 61, 21, and 27, effective Monday, April 1st, 2024. These changes were approved by the RVTD Board of Directors following a thorough review and public comment period held during the February 28th board meeting. RVTD se complace en anunciar los próximos cambios de servicio en […]

Donate your bike to RVTD’s community bike program

Since 2018, RVTD’s Pedals for Patriots program has been making a positive impact in our community. We’ve collaborated with various veteran support organizations providing refurbished bikes to veterans in need. Thanks to community support we’ve distributed nearly 300 bikes to our honored military veterans. But our mission doesn’t stop there – in recent years the […]

Public Comment Opportunity: Proposed Service Changes

Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) is inviting public comment on proposed service changes to Routes 61, 21, and 27 as part of ongoing efforts to enhance transit services in the Rogue Valley. The proposed changes will be discussed at the RVTD Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 28th. If approved the changes would take effect […]