Transportation Options Program For Southwest Oregon

How To Ride

Travel Training

Riding any transit system for the first time can be a bit intimidating. How do I read the schedule? How do I know where this bus is going? How do I let the driver know where I want to go? Please call our Travel Trainer, Mike, at 541-608-2420, with any specific questions you have about riding on our system. Or, if you prefer to write to us, please contact us here with any questions. Click here for more information.

How to Ride

RVTD buses serve much of Jackson County, providing public transportation to the communities of Medford, Central Point, White City, Eagle Point, Jacksonville, Phoenix, Talent, and Ashland. We pride ourselves in our excellent customer service, if you ever have a question about our bus service please reach out to one of our experienced bus operators or employees. You can also check out our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page.

Below are some tips to help you

  1. Try to arrive at the bus stop early. Wait on the sidewalk, or bus shelter where the operator can see you and out of traffic.
  2. Be ready to board with exact change or a valid ticket, transfer receipt or pass. Learn about your fare options!
  3. As the bus approaches, check the sign above the front window to make sure it’s the line and destination you want. Signal the operator that you wish to board.
  4. Stay back from the curb and wait until the bus comes to a complete stop. If you need to use a boarding ramp or lift, just ask the operator.
  5. Board and pay your fare. If you need a transfer, please ask the driver for one as you pay your fare. Transfers are valid for two additional trips within 90 minutes from the time they are issued. (Transfers are added automatically to TouchPass or Umo Pass products) If you’re standing, move toward the back so others can board.
  6. Along the route, we’ll announce the next major stops and intersections. If you’re not familiar with the area, you can ask the operator to announce your destination.
  7. When you want to get off, pull the bell cord to request the next stop.
  8. Gather all your personal items and leave through the rear exit door.

Learn how to put your bike on the bus.

For your safety

  • Never cross the street in front of a bus unless it is stopped at a red light.
  • Keep your kids close to make sure you do not get separated.
  • If you see suspicious behavior or a suspicious package, or if there is an emergency or unsafe situation on board, tell an RVTD employee or call 9-1-1.
  • Individuals with disabilities can make a reasonable accommodation request directly with the driver at the time during transport or through RVTD’s ADA Compliance officer by calling 541-608-2401.

RVTD Bus Riding Rules

Rules for riding the bus

  • Valid Fare Required: Have valid fare ready when boarding all RVTD buses. Failure to pay fare may result in denial of service.
  • Wheeled carts and totes: Only two or four wheeled carts that do not exceed 18 inches in width and 30 inches in height are permitted.
  • Strollers: Children may stay inĀ  strollers while boarding. Once safely on board, they must be removed and seated or help on a lap. The stroller must then be collapsed.
  • No Wagons: The aisle and doorwayys must be kept clear for the smooth entry and exit of passengers.
  • Stand behind safety line. Do not stand in door wells.
  • No eating. All food must be in sealed containers.
  • No smoking or chewing tobacco on bus.
  • No spitting.
  • Beverages allowed in approved containers only.
  • Use earphones with audio players–others should not be able to hear your music.
  • All animals must ride in closed carriers, except service animals.
  • No firearms or other weapons permitted on bus.
  • No flammable or explosive materials or substances on bus.
  • Please refrain from unnecessary talking to the driver while the bus is in motion.
  • Exit by rear door when possible.
  • Front seats reserved for elderly and disabled passengers.
  • No extending of body parts out windows.
  • Keep children under control.
  • Shoes and shirts must be worn.
  • Do not put your feet on the seats.
  • Use of obscene language or gestures is not permitted.
  • Fighting or fighting words are not permitted.
  • Vandalism is a crime. Violators will be prosecuted.
  • If your actions create a safety hazard, are offensive, or become a distraction to the driver, you are subject to removal, citation, or arrest.

* This information is part of Ordinance No. 8 governing use of District facilities. All parties wishing to use District facilities must abide by the rules set out in Ordinance No. 8 in its entirety.

Public Information Concerning Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended:

Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) is the recipient of Federal funding to provide public transportation. RVTD operates programs subject to the nondiscrimination requirements under Title VI/ADA. Any individual, group of individuals, or entity that believes they have been subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI/ADA nondiscrimination provisions may file a written complaint within 180 calendar days of the alleged occurrence or when the alleged discrimination became known to the complainant.