Rogue Valley Transportation District
Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee
RVTD is currently seeking new members for the STIF Advisory Committee. Applications will be due on 5:00pm Monday, February 17th, 2025.
RVTD STIF Advisory Committee Application
RVTD STIFAC Information (2025)
The Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) is seeking community members in Jackson County to serve on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee (STIFAC). This committee plays a vital role in reviewing applications for funding that support public transportation projects in the Rogue Valley.
The RVTD Board of Directors appoints STIFAC members to evaluate proposed STIF-funded projects and make recommendations to the Board. The committee meets at least twice per year to ensure funding supports impactful transit initiatives.
Applications are due by 5:00 PM on Monday, February 17th.
For more information contact:
Edem Gomez, Associate Planner
📞 541-608-2411
STIFAC Committee Member (2024)
Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Next Meeting: TBA
Meeting Minutes:
- January 16, 2019
- April 11, 2019
- February 18, 2020
- November 9, 2020
- January 20, 2021
- October 13, 2021
- August 25, 2022
- September 21, 2022
- November 7, 2022
- June 12, 2023
- January 4, 2024
- August 12, 2024
Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF)
Background on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund
Section 122 of Keep Oregon Moving (Oregon House Bill 2017) established a new dedicated source of funding for expanding public transportation service in Oregon.
Keep Oregon Moving includes a new 0.1% employee payroll tax to fund public transportation. The Oregon Department of Revenue begins collecting this tax July 1, 2018 to then provide to transit agencies in late 2019. This new funding source is called the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF). The Oregon Transportation Commission adopted the Oregon Administrative Rules to implement the STIF on June 22, 2018 and the rules became effective on July 1, 2018. Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) is the Qualified Entity of the funds allocated to Jackson County.
STIF may be used for public transportation purposes that support the operations, planning and administration of public transportation programs including, but not limited to, the following:
- Creation of new systems and services with origins, destinations or stops in Oregon;
- Maintenance or continuation of systems and services in certain circumstances; and
- Planning for and development of a Local Plan or future STIF Plan to improve public transportation service.
- Additionally, STIF funds may be used as the local match for state and federal funds which also provide Public Transportation Service.
- Goals of HB 2017 are to expand access to jobs, improve mobility, relieve congestion, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Special focus on low-income populations.
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) estimates that RVTD will receive $6,601,725 in STIF funds in FY 2021-2023 to be used within the RVTD boundary and an additional $650,692 to be used within Jackson County. RVTD is recommending the following list of service projects for the 2021-2023 biennium including a large carryover from COVID service reductions in the prior biennium.
RVTD Board Meeting Minutes Approving 23 25 STIF Plan
Selecting STIF Projects
To be eligible to receive funds, Qualified Entities must submit a locally adopted plan listing the services, program and projects that meet the goals of the Keep Oregon Moving legislation. RVTD is currently preparing a 2040 Transit Master Plan that is scheduled to be adopted in May of 2019. The plan is divided into a near, mid and a long-term list of prioritized service enhancements with the near-term list being implemented with the STIF funds. The mid and long term list of enhancements does not have funding identified but prioritized for future expansion. Advisory committees, stakeholder outreach, organizational meetings, an online survey and virtual open house were conducted to gather public feedback on the entire list of transit service enhancements. The plan is used to meet the requirements of the STIF funding as the locally adopted plan.
The RVTD Board of Directors appoints members to the STIF Advisory Committee (STIFAC) to review potential STIF-funded projects and the prioritized list for recommending to the RVTD Board. The Advisory Committee will meet at least two times per year. RVTD will be overseeing and administering the STIF Advisory Committee. The bylaws were adopted in September 2018. Now accepting applications for STIF Advisory Committee: STIFAC Application
“STIF” – Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund – statewide fund established by HB2017 to receive and distribute the new public transit employee tax revenues, and may also receive other funds from the Legislature in the future.
“Qualified Entity” – Mass Transit District, Transportation District, County Government, or Federally-recognized Indian Tribe which will receive funds from the STIF.
“Public Transportation Provider” – a Qualified Entity, city, county, special district, intergovernmental entity or other public entity that provides public transportation services (not a non-profit)
“Advisory Committee” – committee appointed by the Qualified Entity governing body (BOC) to advise and assist them in reviewing the STIF Plan, prioritizing projects, and recommending funding.
“STIF Plan” – means the local plan required by HB2017 which has been reviewed by an Advisory Committee and adopted by the local governing body.
Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Programs:
• Formula Program 90% – allocated to Qualified Entities based on distribution of employee tax where employees work. Planning, administration, transit operations, facilities, capital vehicles, equipment, and technology are eligible for funding.
• Discretionary Program 5% – Statewide competitive grant program for capital vehicles, facilities, equipment, technology, planning, and research. Ongoing operations are not eligible. Will require a 10% local match.
• Inter-Community Grant Program 4% – Statewide competitive grant for transit service connecting communities. Ongoing operations will be eligible for funding along with all other activities. The OTC will set priorities for this program.
• ODOT Technical Resource Center 1% – to administer the statewide programs and provide assistance to local agencies with planning and data gathering.
RVTD will accept applications from PTASP’s to be considered for the 2025-2027 biennium. Applications are due October 25, 2024 by 5:00pm.
Additional Resources:
Adopted STIFAC Bylaws
Approved STIF rules
ODOT Rail & Public Transit Division STIF website