Commute Trip Reduction Services
We can help you or your worksite improve your transportation options! We provide most of our services free of charge, contact us today.
Commute Services For Your Worksite:
- Employee Surveying: We can help you conduct a survey to find out how your employees are currently getting to work, and which commute options are of interest to them. We’ll even process them, analyze the results and provide a written report—all at no cost.
- Transportation Fairs and Employee Outreach: We’ll put on an event at your workplace to help promote commute options and provide personalized trip-planning assistance for employees. We will educate and market usage of carpooling, bicycling, walking, and riding transit. Marketing materials and incentives can be provided. We can even bring an RVTD Bus to your workplace to get employees comfortable with the ride. Free upon request.
- New Employee Commuter Kit: One of the best times to educate employees about their commuting options is when they first start to work for your company. We’ll give you free transit kits for new hires, filled with service information, maps, and trip-planning tips. Receive customized information on how to get to and from work, what transportation options are available in Southern Oregon. Employee receives an Explorer Pass for FREE Rides on RVTD Buses.
- On Site Audit: Review of viable transportation options at worksite, audit of bicycle and pedestrian accessibility. Suggestions to make workplace attractive and accessible for a variety of transportation modes, making it easier for employees to get to work.
- Employee Transportation Coordinator and Staff Training: Let us train a member of your staff to serve as your employee transportation coordinator, helping employees get to and from work. We’ll show them how to effectively manage and promote your company’s commute options program.
- Emergency Ride Home Program: At no cost to you or your employees, you can now offer your employees up to 4 free taxi rides home in case of a personal emergency on any day they have commuted by walking, biking, carpooling, or taking transit.
- Bus Pass Programs: Provide Subsidized bus passes to your employees.