
Rideshare and Carpooling Options

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Get There is a free, easy to use, online ridematching and trip logging tool. Using Get There’s ride matching function, you can set-up and manage your own carpool or join existing carpools to work, school, shopping, play or more. Finding a carpool partner has never been easier!

Get There matches you with people that have the same travel needs. Using Get There’s ride matching function, you can set up and manage your own carpool or join an existing carpool to work. With work schedule options that are flexible, it’s easy. Find a ride to an event, or schedule a trip to the coast. Get There caters to carpool and vanpool trips of all types—one way trips, long distance trips, even last minute trips if you find yourself in a transportation bind.

Driving alone can put a strain on your budget, so share the ride with others to cut costs. The benefits go beyond keeping more cash in your pocket. Carpooling can improve your mood, lead to friendships, and reduce the wear and tear on your car.

Check out these carpool benefits:

  • Save hundreds and even thousands of dollars each year
  • Reduce your stress and read, relax, or even work while commuting
  • Reduce your family’s need for more cars
  • Carpool even if you don’t drive, allowing you to consider jobs throughout the area
  • Make new friendships and enjoy their company during your commute
  • Reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, which benefits all of us

Your Own Employer or Worksite Network!

RVTD will set-up a network within Get There just for your worksite, for FREE! This will allow employees to find carpool matches with other company employees. At your request, we provide a demonstration/quick training to get a carpool network up and running at your worksite. Free promotions, marketing materials, and incentives can be provided. Contact us if you are interested in learning more.

For more information on Get There, Rideshare, or Vanpooling contact:
Edem Gomez, TDM Planner